Decarbonisation of shipping is a major issue internationally and domestically.
Much emphasis has been put on converting ships to low carbon fuels such as methanol and ammonia. However, both solutions are energy inefficient and subject to supply issues.
The waste-to-energy system is the most efficient and economically sustainable method for hydrogen to fuel cell electricity production. Advantages are receiving waste directly from ships and offshore utilisation for continuous energy output.
Tackling two problems, management of on-board ship’s waste, its reception at ports and use as a resource to provide energy to power berthed vessels.
Partnerships in advanced technology and industrial partners are clear. Collaborating companies include IP holders, engineering and production companies, project companies and municipalities:
Sustainable fuels are projected to account for up to 37% of energy demand in transport by 2050. Revenue is significant, launched at 0.076p/kWh.
Research progressing at universities, including Liverpool, Southampton and Exeter. Focus on understanding the requirements for waste management of berthed vessels under international directives.
Check out our pitch during CMDC 4